
Over 20 years of combined experience & expertise


At OrthowalkDZ, we offer personalized scoliosis treatment through custom orthotic braces designed to correct spinal alignment and prevent progression. Our expert team ensures early detection, regular monitoring, and holistic care to enhance spinal health and improve your quality of life. Contact us today for a consultation.

خدمات المركز

At OrthowalkDZ, we provide a comprehensive range of orthotic and prosthetic services, including:

-  Orthotic Devices for Lower Limbs  Custom-made braces to support and correct lower limb conditions.
- **Orthotic Devices for Upper Limbs : Specialized braces for upper limb stability and function.
-  AFO (Ankle-Foot Orthosis) & KAFO (Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis) : Tailored solutions to improve mobility and support for the ankle and knee.
-  Prosthetic Devices : High-quality AK (Above Knee) and BK (Below Knee) prosthetics designed for optimal comfort and functionality.

Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized care and innovative solutions to enhance your mobility and quality of life.


At OrthowalkDZ, we provide high-quality silicone prosthetics designed for comfort, durability, and a natural appearance. Our expert team customizes each prosthesis to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal fit and functionality. Experience the difference with our advanced silicone prosthetics and enhance your quality of life.

في أورثووكDZ، نقدم أطرافًا صناعية عالية الجودة من السيليكون مصممة للراحة والمتانة والمظهر الطبيعي. يقوم فريقنا المتخصص بتخصيص كل طرف صناعي ليلبي احتياجاتك الخاصة، مما يضمن تناسبًا ووظيفة مثالية. اختبر الفرق مع أطرافنا الصناعية المتقدمة من السيليكون وحسن جودة حياتك.

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